Graphite Hot Zones

How to choose the right heat shield insulation?
A guide inside vacuum furnaces with graphitic hot zone design and materials.

[FREE eBook] The vacuum furnace buyers guide

This clear and useful eBook will guide you in deciding the features you need for your next vacuum furnace.
Starting from the scratch it will also help you to understand what a vacuum furnace is and whether you need it or not.

Power, isolation, pumping units, heat exchangers and much more explained in simple words for the first time.
Make sure you read the eBook before your next purchase!

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Publicado em 9/6/2018
Categorias: Insider tips

The buyer's guide to vacuum furnaces: 10 things to know [2/2]

We continue our journey to discover the basic elements of a vacuum treatment furnace.

The heat is our job, and we explain how not to be confused between points of heat dispersion and the yielding of heat during shutdown.
No more doubts with this small but exhaustive guide to vacuum technology.

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The buyer's guide to vacuum furnaces: 10 things to know [1/2]

What are the elements that contribute to the development and perfect functioning of a vacuum furnace?

Do not be intimidated by the size of the topic: we will proceed gradually, I will address the topic by stages to help you read and understand.
This is the first of two articles...

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Publicado em 12/12/2016
Categorias: Insider tips

Vacuum furnace hot zone: graphite vs all-metal design [1/2]

Molybdenum and graphite are the most popular choices as hearth materials in vacuum furnaces. Throughout the last 40 years, the heat treating industry has experienced a significant shift in the type of hot zone most commonly used in furnaces. In the 1970s, most of the heat zones installed were all-metal hot zones. Today, however, the vast majority are graphite-based hot zones. But, what is the most efficient design in order to minimize hot zone losses and reduce power consumption?

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