Autor: Guido Locatelli

Publicado em 2/13/2017
Categorias: Insider tips

Roughing pump in high-vacuum furnaces for beginners [2/2]

This is the second part of the article on roughing pump operation in high-vacuum furnaces. It gives an overall picture of the situations due to malfunction of the pumping system. Nonetheless, it provides practical tips on how to deal with the presence of water in the pump, the formation of oil sludge, and the improper use of lubricated roughing pumps.

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Publicado em 1/26/2017
Categorias: Insider tips

Roughing pump in high-vacuum furnaces for beginners [1/2]

For maximum performance and reliability, it is necessary to know how the pumping system of your furnace operates, the pros and cons of the different types of vacuum pumps. This is the first part of an article on roughing pump operation in high vacuum furnaces. Understanding how it works is the first step to make the right choices that will take into account also the reduction in operating costs.

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Publicado em 10/21/2016
Categorias: Maintenance
Marcações: Cooling System, Calibration

Vacuum furnace: how to calibrate the cooling system
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As you know, heat dissipation is critical in the thermal process. For that reason, in this video, I'm going to show you how to calibrate the cooling system for an optimal management of your vacuum furnace. A correct calibration ensures greater efficiency of the cooling system and a significant savings in terms of energy consumption of pumps and the water used.

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