
发布日期 10/9/2017
类别: 应用

Perfect vacuum sintering step by step [4/4]

The process of binder removal, also referred to as debinding, is an important step before sintering. It is essential that all binder or binder residues are removed in order to ensure correct and reliable operation. Now, the question is: may the binder residues, pumped up with the process gas, affect the smooth functioning of the primary pump?


发布日期 7/10/2017
类别: 应用

Perfect vacuum sintering step by step [2/4]

From mass production to laboratory applicative research, when it comes to vacuum sintering, a number of questions can arise. I mean, doubts regarding the thermal insulation, the gas fluxing, loading and unloading operations, and so on. In this second part, I will try to solve any doubt you may have related to hot zone for vacuum sintering furnaces, the distribution of gas flow, and the use of furnace box for loading and unloading sintered parts and components.


发布日期 6/15/2017
类别: 应用

Perfect vacuum sintering step by step [1/4]

Several industries rely on sintered parts and components including automotive, medical, and tools. Vacuum sintering produces consistent, bright parts with no seams, joints, or fillers. Beginning with an overview of the benefits of sintering in a vacuum, the article focuses on debinding, with regard to the decision-making process for performing or not debinding and sintering in the same furnace.


