New Materials

New materials could change many industries. Keep up with developments in material science to deliver next-generation technologies.
Publicado el 2/6/2019
Categorías: Applications

Advanced ceramics: realizing the potential after ICACC19

Advanced ceramics are experiencing a boom. After attending ICACC19, an expo for researchers and industry professionals dedicated to the topic, we offer a peek inside the fascinating world of transparent and translucent ceramic composites.
Unlike conventional ceramics that we encounter in our daily lives, advanced ceramic materials are characterized by high purity, low porosity, and exceptionally small grain sizes.
Thanks to these properties, these materials find wide industrial and commercial application, from large machinery to highly resistant windows, to orthodontic brackets.

Vacuum sintering at extremely low pressures is the key to giving transparent ceramics their strength and translucence. Vacuum furnace sintering proves to be essential to that process.

Read more about this affordable, reliable, and exciting material and see if one of its many applications can transform your own production processes!

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Publicado el 11/15/2018
Categorías: Applications

Additive manufacturing of nickel superalloys

What are Nickel-based superalloys?
What advantages do they provide in high-performance industrial applications?

Let's see how they are used in production processes through additive manufacturing technology and what are the advantages offered by special furnaces for vacuum heat treatment, regarding the components made with 3D printing.

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Publicado el 5/10/2018
Categorías: Applications

Metal additive manufacturing and vacuum heat treatments

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is any of various processes of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
Unlike subtractive manufacturing methods that start with a solid block of material and then cut away the excess to create a finished part, additive manufacturing builds up a part (or features onto parts) layer by layer from geometry described in a 3D design model.

Discover how the additive manufacturing processing of metals makes it possible to design and build lightweight parts in real time and understand potential of heat treatments in vacuum for 3D printed parts.

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Publicado el 11/16/2017
Categorías: Applications
Etiquetas: Video, New Materials

TAV goes to Venice Biennale: new materials to design the future

“Material” is the critical component that determines whether a product works as planned, or fails. Over the last 50 years there has been an explosion of new materials that today’s engineers have been experimenting with. The key challenge is to raise the sustainability and performance level of products. By adopting an unusual, artistic approach, TAV VACUUM FURNACES encourages you to reflect on new materials, and it does so with Biennale Arte in Venice.

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